Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Aurora, Colorado- 1 week later

Looking back and reflecting on the events that occurred last week during the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, I have had a few realizations. But before I get into that, first and foremost, my heart and prayers go out to the victims and their families. For a movie lover, a theater is the one place, other than your own home, that we go to escape reality. Even just for those few hours. We can immerse ourselves in these fantastic worlds that are created before our eyes, and the fact that someone can impose on that safety, and put complete strangers and their entire lives on the line, is almost surreal to us. It seems like something that could only happen in fiction. Alas, fiction became reality last week as 12 people lost their lives, and countless more were injured. All we can do is look back in shock and pray. What we CANNOT do is let this shake our spirit, as what we are first and foremost: WE ARE MOVIE LOVERS, WE ARE FILM NERDS, AND GODDAMMIT WE ARE PROUD OF IT! Now, what has occurred to me is that we need to accept that this was one man acting from the phychosis of his own mind. We shouldn't let this stop us from going out on Friday nights (or some midnight showings) to see those movies that excite us the most. There's now another year before they release a film that I'll show up in the wee hours of the morning for (Man Of Steel). I'll shell out plenty of money for super-greasy popcorn and sticky floors until then. Movies are as culturaly relevant as the bible, and just like the holy book has certain verses and chapters that grip us in certain ways, certain movies will always remain ingrained in our hearts for eternity. Again, my deepest prayers to Aurora and not just those families, but that community and anyone effected by this horrible event.

Until next time fellow movie lovers,


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